Sonority OTO 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 – All FIVE OTOs’ Links Here >>>

Sonority OTO 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5: There is a commercial license as front end option and five other OTOs. The 1st Sonority OTO is Unlimited Version, the 2nd is Professional Version, the 3rd is Agency Rights, the 4th Sonority OTO is CourseReel, the 5th Sonority OTO is PlayerNeos Pro. There are some other down sells. The product is by Abhi Dwivedi. All the links >>>

sonority oto 1

All 5 Sonority OTO Links Below

OTOs Require Front End to Work Properly

Front End (Commercial):
=>> Sonority

OTO 1 (Unlimited):
=>> Sonority OTO 1

OTO 2 (Professional):
=>> Sonority OTO 2

OTO 3 (Agency):
=>> Sonority OTO 3

OTO 4 (CourseReel):
=>> Sonority OTO 4

OTO 5 (PlayerNeos Pro):
=>> Sonority OTO 5

Sonority Details

What is Sonority:
It helps you create powerful voice overs and incredible audio tracks INSTANTLY without any effort from your end. I know you’re anxious to get it with all of its first-to-market features, but I just want to up the ante and over deliver a bit more ok?. That’s why I’m going to make sure that you get a commercial license with your investment in Sonority at no additional charge today. Normally, this option is included in an OTO, but I’m going to have my team unlock it for you if you move fast and get it right now. This is huge and can pay for your investment in it many times over.
With this option alone you’ll be able to:
Sell voice overs and audio tracks for top dollar, Run a web designing agency for offline and online businesses.
In short, this option allows you to use it to make money:
Even if you only charged $500 per month for let’s say 10x voice over and/or audio track, by being able to create them fast with it, you could easily pocket an additional $10,000 a month on the side.

No API keys Needed,
No Credits System,
No Amazon Polly Or Google WaveNet,
No Complex SSML Tags Editing,
Easily Create Voice Overs, Music Tracks & Complete Audio Tracks For Videos, Ads, VSLs, Podcasts, Courses And More,
Built-In Library With 1000+ Ready made Unique Music Tracks & 15 Synthetic Voices,
Fully Cloud-Based. Nothing to download or install. Access from anywhere,
No Prior Skills Or Experience Needed. Zero learning curve,
Built-in Voice-over & Music-track Synthesizer To Create Mesmerizing Audio-Tracks For Videos & Podcasts,
Create Human Sounding Voice Overs Using Next-Generation Synthetic Speech Technology,
License & Sell As Your Own. All 100% A.I. Generated,
Free Commercial License Included. Sell Audio Tracks For The Top Dollar.

Sonority Makes It Super-Easy To Create Audio Tracks For Your Videos And Your Clients:
Step 1: Create a Voice by simply inserting a text and picking a voice from 15 different Voice-Over Artists and download,
Step 2: Create Music That Is Stock-Free & Unique, From 15 Categories Using A. I. and download it,
Step 3: Mix-n-Match Multiple Voice-Overs & Music-Tracks With Drag-n-Drop Simplicity.

Check Out Sonority’s Power-Packed Features:
Create Synthetic Voice Overs: Use the latest cutting-edge voice technologies to create UNIQUE voice-overs for yourself and your clients. Experience the high-quality of it’s next-gen Synthetic Speech Technology,
Create Stock-Free Music Tracks: Emotionally engage your viewers with a wide range of genres, activities and moods. Create unique music tracks in just a couple of minutes using A. I. from 15 different categories, moods, styles and genres. All the music created 100% unique and copyright free,
Create Full Audio Tracks: Use the built-in voice-over and music-track synthesizer to create audio-tracks for your videos or podcast. Join multiple voice-overs, music-tracks or both together to create longer audio-tracks upto multiple minutes per track,
Turn Audio-Tracks Into Videos: Create videos right inside it. Simply add the audio tracks that you create using the synthesizer feature into your videos with just a click. Making great sounding videos was never this easy,

Add Over 50+ Sound Effects With Just a Click:
Background Sounds: Ambient sounds from interior and exterior locations,
Button Sounds: Click and beeps for menu navigation,
Communication Sounds: Phone sounds, writing, player/recorder, typewriter, etc,
Human Sounds Effects: Bodily functions, foorsteps, and cloth,
Transportation Sounds: Airplane, helicopter, train and car sound effects,
Nature Sounds: Fire, ice, rain and water sounds effects.
And More.

Create Lengthy Voice: Overs I.E Up To 1000 Characters Per Voice-Over: Need to create a longer voice over? – No worries. You don’t need to buy any EXTRA credits or upgrade your account. Create longer voice overs for longer videos without any hassles,
Create Lengthy Music: Tracks I.E Up To 3 Minutes Long Unique Music: Longer videos require longer music tracks playing in the background. Dump all the editing and tweaking… create and add music tracks that are up to 3 minutes long to your videos,

Store Your Voice-Overs, Music: Tracks & Audio Tracks on Cloud: Sonority is fully cloud-based. You don’t need to download or install anything. Simply login from anywhere using any device – and get started. Save all your work right inside the app and access it whenever you want from wherever you want,
Download Your Voice-Overs, Music: Tracks & Audio-Tracks: It gives you the freedom to store your voice overs, music tracks & audio tracks on the cloud or download them on your device with equal ease. This makes it simple to share your creatives with your team or sell them to your customers.

You Need To Hurry To Be #1:
Procrastination and delay never helped anyone. In a matter of days, everyone will be using this easy yet sophisticated technology to churn out voice overs & audio tracks that help their videos convert better. The edge will be with the agency that makes the smart shift first. So you have got to hurry if you want to take the first mover’s advantage and profit like never before.

Sonority Is Perfect For Creating:
Training Videos, Video Ads, Video Sales Letters (VSLs), Tutorials, 360° Videos, Video Courses, Presentations, Product Revi*ews, Testimonials, Video Games.

Every business uses videos:
Those who do not struggle to survive in the market. And whoever is making a video – needs a voice over and/or an audio track. Many end-up using copyrighted music and having their videos taken down by YouTube and other such platforms. While others bore their audience and lose their videos in the crowd having used the same royalty-free music that everyone else seems to be using And some end-up with an audio track that does not match their videos… resulting in their message getting lost.

Frequently Asked Questions

How easy is it to use it?
It is as easy as ABC. Your kid in school could make profits instantly using this sophisticated technology. All one needs to do is point and click to create voice overs and audio tracks. You don’t need to have any experience or special skills.

Do you charge any monthly fees?
For a limited (very short) period of time, Sonority is being offered at the lowest one-time cost ever. So you don’t have to pay any monthly fees. But, should you delay your purchase you will lose this incredible opportunity and will have to pay a recurring fee.

What if I don’t enjoy using it?
That would be sad, wouldn’t it? But only for us! We have designed this technology for you. So, when you buy it today, you also get a 14 day money back guarantee from our end. If you don’t enjoy it, simply say the word and you will receive the amount back.

Will I get any training or support for my questions?
Yes, we’ve got you covered. Our team of experts are available round the clock to provide you the support that you need. Step-by-step training is also included to make you an expert within minutes.

Is Sonority Windows and Mac compatible?
It works like magic using any OS or device. It is hosted on reliable cloud servers so you can log on from anywhere at any time.

Tags: Sonority OTO | OTOs |

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